Jsp to Servlet converter

Jsp to Servlet converter


Here is the Ant build file to convert jsp file to servlet file.

jspc (JavaServerPages Compiler) tool is helping to convert the jsp. The requirements are you need

  • java sdk
  • apache tomcat
  • ant
<project name="Test" default="compile" basedir=".">


JSP to Servlet Converter


<property name="name" value="JSP to Servlet" />

<property environment="env" />

<property name="ANT_HOME" value="${env.ANT_HOME}" />

<property name="TOMCAT_HOME" value="D:\server\Tomcat 5.5" />

<target name="init" description="Initialization" >

<path id="tomcat.classpath">

<fileset dir="${TOMCAT_HOME}\common\lib">

<include name="*.jar" />



<path id="ant.classpath">

<fileset dir="${ANT_HOME}\lib">

<include name="*.jar"/>



<path id="webapp.classpath">

<fileset dir=".\WEB-INF\lib">

<include name="*.jar" />




<target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile the source" >

<mkdir dir="./out" />

<jspc srcdir="."




<path refid="tomcat.classpath" />

<path refid="ant.classpath" />

<path refid="webapp.classpath" />


<include name="*.jsp" />



<target name="build" depends="compile"/>

<target name="clean" description="clean the directories">

<delete dir="./out" />


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