Install Docker, Compose and Buildx Manually

In this article, Install the docker binary manually. The setup compose and buildx. So that docker buildx or docker compose (There is a space after docker) command will work as like any other installation. These can be used install docker with in...


Install Android SDK Without Android Studio

Recently I have found opensource water reminder application. But they don't provide APK file in their releases. So I want to build the APK file from the source. I don't want to install Android Studio. Just want to setup Android SDK and build...


Start Blogging Again

It has been ~10 years since my last post. Every time I am thinking of writing back again, these are the questions in front of me ❓ Why no post ? Why should I write this as blog post ?. Just twitter/x post is sufficient right? Does this really...


Setup docker and tools

Guide to install and configure docker and related tools. Install Docker Installing docker on any bash systems. curl -sSL | sh sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} Docker Tools Docker compose To install docker-compose...
