Start Blogging Again

Category Blog

It has been ~10 years since my last post. Every time I am thinking of writing back again, these are the questions in front of me

❓ Why no post ?

  • Why should I write this as blog post ?. Just twitter/x post is sufficient right?
  • Does this really helpful to someone ?
  • Its just a small thing, just a little effort anyone can get to know themselves.
  • Does my employer like it or not ?
  • blah.. blah.. blah..

A little bit background, In the past decade

  • Get married and Got two kids. More responsibility and I really enjoy spend time with my family.
  • I work for an organization called IoTium Systems Private Ltd., I really love what I am doing there.

Its been really hard to find time for this apart form Family + Work 😃

⏰ Why now?

Recently I went through a minor surgery. Nothing to worry. But, It made me think in multiple dimensions.

  • Writing is clear my thoughts.
  • Its for me. Not for anyone.
  • Everything has my perspective even its small thing.
  • As long as not exposing confidential information, its fine.

Also I am big believer of Gandhian Thoughts.. Here are some of quotes related to that

கைகளால் ஒன்றை உருவாக்குபவன் தன் அகத்தை அதன் வழியாகச் சீரமைத்துக் கொள்கிறான். - காந்தி

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English Translations are

Who builds something with his hands aligns his inner self through it. - Gandhi

Even in the simplest way you can rock the world. - Gandhi

The another mantra I learned is Dedicate🧑‍🤝‍🧑. Even though 10/20% less in quality its fine. Empower the others.

🎆 What next?

FYI, I quit social media long back except twitter and reddit. Even though I am not write on internet. I write a lot as confluence pages, JIRA comment and PR comments. I have been expert in many things in these days. When I look back I have been deep understanding of many things, The first principles. So I want to write those things.

Expect a post sooner not later.

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